What Ryan Reynold’s Latest Ad Can Teach You About Sales

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Ryan Reynolds has got a lot going for him.

Ryan Reynolds Teaches You How To Sell
Good genes, right?

He is handsome.

He is something like the 10th best paid actor in the world.

He is really f’ing funny.

If you don’t find something to smile about in his Twitter feed, you are probably incapable of smiling.

He seems to have the family thing down pretty well. About his family, he says, “I love it. I’d have it no other way.

It kinda makes you want to throw up a little bit. I mean, c’mon already…is there anything that he doesn’t do well?

Guess what?

There’s more!

On top of the good looks, the money, the “oh crap, he is way funnier than me”, the guy is a kick ass entrepreneur. (We are tied on the awesome family thing, though. My wife & kids rock.)

He is a majority shareholder, board member & creative director of Aviation Gin. (And, Aviation Gin is the fastest growing gin brand in the world…). Further, as if to lord his innate superiority over all of us again, in late 2019, he gobbled up a big chunk of Mint Mobile.

This month, amidst the chaos of a pandemic & global shutdowns, he just launched a killer ad for Mint Mobile. This ad is kind of a masterclass in how to sell & communicate. Pay attention entrepreneurs, agency owners and biz builders…there is a ton of great stuff in this ad.

Watch it – for reals:

What can you take away from this ad? Go get a pen and paper…you are gonna want to take some notes, campers.

The guy is just a master at sales and communication. Try to ignore the fact that Ryan Reynolds can do everything better than you can. Put the jealousy away and let’s see what nuggets we can grab to get a little bit closer to his lofty perch.

Here we go.

Let’s break this down, shall we?

  1. He is completely comfortable using humor. That seems to be his best communication style. That’s his wheelhouse. When you are communicating with your prospects, clients and staff…are you in your wheelhouse?
  2. His point is 100% clear. Mint Mobile is cheap compared to others. Are you 100% clear in the benefit that you provide?
  3. He isn’t lecturing. He doesn’t seem to be working from a script. He seems authentic. Are you being authentic? Or are you trying to be like some other agency?
  4. He is using what’s at hand. The ad may have spent weeks and months being storyboarded (I am guessing not, though…I bet this is 1-2 days of work at most…). The production is simple. It’s not overly slick or overly produced. It uses available tools. He isn’t letting “Well, you know...” get in the way of putting out this ad. Are you making the best of what you have available? Are you letting perfect, or better get in the way?
  5. Although he is doing it in a funny way, he is being relatable. He shows his brother & mother. But he is showing that he is human — and not a character. You are a human being. Your prospects and clients and staff are human beings. Are you relatable and do you connect with your people?
  6. His schtick is that he doesn’t take himself seriously. It works for him. I can 100% guarantee that taking yourself too seriously won’t work for you. You don’t have to be a self-deprecating laugh riot, but having some lightness even when you are serious about your job and your mission is a marvelous accelerant. How can you relax with your clients, prospects & staff? They need the best version of you….

When it comes right down to it, your job as an entrepreneur is to communicate. Your job in prospecting, in sales, in service, in management is all about communication. This simple, funny ad encompasses the best of communication.

Watch it again…it’s worth the time.

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